A woman’s Antral follicle count (AFC) is a measure of the number of antral (or “resting”) follicles in each ovary. The AFC is performed during a transvaginal ultrasound, which usually takes about 5 minutes, and is included in every initial consultation.
Hormone tests are simple blood tests that help us understand your ovarian reserve and how hard your body is working to send signals to your ovaries to produce eggs.
A hormone produced in the brain by the pituitary gland, Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) stimulates development of your antral follicles (hence its name). FSH is determined through a blood test that is performed on the second or third day of your menstrual cycle. We always test the level of another hormone, Estradiol, to tell us if the reading is accurate.
The Hysterosalpingogram is a low dose x-ray of your pelvis to determine if your fallopian tubes are open. A radio-opaque contrast or “dye” is gently instilled into the uterus so that we can see the outline of your uterine cavity and fallopian tubes. The procedure takes only a few minutes and can be performed onsite at Grace, by our fertility specialists.